Paramedic Science


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Paramedics Recap

Paramedics are the senior ambulance service healthcare professionals at an accident or a medical emergency. Paramedics often work by themselves to assess a patient’s condition and give them essential treatment. They use high-tech equipment such as defibrillators, spinal and traction splints and intravenous drips, as well as administering oxygen and medication.

To find out more about what being a paramedic involves and hear from students and professionals  - head over to our exploring vocations page

What do Paramedics do?

Paramedics are often the first point of contact for someone in an emergency. This means that the work that they do is incredibly varied. However, paramedics can't do everything on their own! 

Now that you've learnt about the role of a paramedic, have go at deciding whether the following responsibilities are expected from a paramedic. 

Are Paramedics expected to:

Think like a paramedic

The central role of a paramedic is having to think and act quickly in an emergency scenario to ensure that patients receive appropriate care. Have a look at the following scenarios and try and think how you would respond as a paramedic. 

SCENARIO 1: A patient is on their own and appears to have hurt their leg. They speak very little English, but you need to find out what has happened to them. How would you go about finding out what happened? Select answer
SCENARIO 2: You and your colleague need to help a patient up off the floor to assess them further. Which is the safest way to do this?
SCENARIO 3: You are called to help someone that is having a severe panic attack - which of the following do you NOT do?

1 is Definitely not!

5 is Yes definitely!
